Sunday, August 10, 2008

On to new frontiers...

Today's my last day of work at Gramophone. It's been a really enriching and tiring 3 months although I technically get an off day with every two days of work. Quite a bit has been achieved in terms of changes within the company as well as team-building amongst the staff. My work is done. Thanks to all that came to the shop(s) and gave me the support in one way or the other. A huge thank you to my colleagues and team for giving me quite a memorable short stint.

Time to move on to something even more lucrative (i.e. better pay) with even more amazingly shorter hours. Can't say much. Kind of sworn to trade secrecy.

So were you one of the many thousands of nothing-better-else-to-do SingaBoreans? Spare me the lecture on patriotism. It's all full of utter bullcrap... especially when we've got a China national flag-bearer at the Olympics instead of a full-bred 100% local. And don't get me started with the foreigners with poor English working at fast food joints as well.

It's FISH BURGER... not "Fist Burglar"!

No wonder the unemployment rate has gone up. Every fuck job is taken by some foreign "talent". National Day... yeah right? What's there to REALLY celebrate about when the authorities are not taken effective action to slow down the rapid increase in the cost of living? GST offset package? Oh please... want me to mathematically show you that $400 is not an offset with a monthly essential expenditure of $500?

This is not a place called HOME. Sorry, lor... stress level so high, how to be HOME? Stop LYING to yourselves. Sure there's nothing anyone can do about it NOW... but next time you vote, perhaps you should think about making CHANGES instead of complaining over coffee breaks.


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