The mood I'm in...
Not just one but flustered up with a lot of fucking things. Mostly on a personal basis so I won't say anything here. Please note for the time being, you may only get mono-syllable responses from me. I'm simply not in the right frame of mind. And don't come and tell me that everything's going to be OK. You're not me. None of you wear my shoes. What would you understand about my mental psyche, my insecurities and etc? So lets leave it as such... and spare me any kind of fucking stupidity for the next few days.
Sunday, I think I'll go take a ferry ride to Batam or something. Really need to get anyway, sort out some personal demons and re-think some things in my life, especially the things that I'm fighting for. I don't wish to struggle on with life if there is not a hint of light whatsoever.
Or maybe I'll just lie in bed the entire day and rot away. Like anyone really cares anywhere :(
By the way, to the individual(s) that try to push blame for their failure to do their own jobs... please don't even think of pointing your fingers in my direction. You won't survive the "politics" that I'm capable of. Everything I do on an official basis is always backed up with "black and white" evidence. I don't do favours or any lip service either. Good try but next time use a titanium arrow as well as a "dummies guide to spoken English".
I need a stiff drink right now. Need to dumb some of the frustrations I have.
On a much more positive, brigther, more enriching note, I've just completed teaching my first course student (Rayner) at Denon DJ School. I can't remember the good old days when I was bursting with so much energy and enthusiasm.
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