Lets get ready to rumble...
I can't agree more and I should've thought of that because it's a downright fucking accurate description! I shall spare everyone the usual bollocks of work... except that some people are just not born to be leaders and words like "lead by example", "inspire" and "encourage" does not exist in their vocabulary. Hitler-like leadership qualities, like striking fear in subordinates, will always have it's repercussion and that's coming very soon. I've seen it far too often. How many tyrants in the history books do you see living happily ever after?
Anyway, to this victimized fellow colleague... here's another one for your collection :
But seriously, sometimes in life, it's best to just take a backseat and not let things eat you up. Yes, I feel the frustrations too. I see the vast amount of stupidity all around. It pisses me off as well. But instead of getting worked up for six days a week, I'm going to take the chill pill, put on a silencer and see how much a ninja I am. It's a more effective method of getting the message across that "something is really wrong and I'm no longer myself". Trust me on this, I've seen it work a millions over! Of course it helps much faster if the intended individuals do read your blog as well ;p
From the look of things, I'd say it's quite a fragile situation and all hell may just break loose...
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