Xmas? So what?
It's only the second weekend of December and I really really really need a break. Beyond burnt out. Don't talk to about the holiday "spirit" because there really is none. I even have to work on holidays, so what kind of festive mood do you expect me to be in? 18 days to Christmas? Just another day in the "office", if you ask me. Sorry if I don't seem to have the required "cheer for the season".
I'm actually looking forward to my one week of army reservist training in January 2008. A break from the monotonous routine. Don't get me wrong. I love the job despite losing a personal life due to the working hours, just that I'm fucking tired of all the unnecessary idiocies and politics that's coming from some asshole(s). We have a great team in placed, so to speak... but I fucking hate all the monkey wrenches that is constantly tossed at us. With all due respect (which is none), the way of the world is very much different. What you might know may not amount to jackshit in today's environment. If you actually remove your head from your anus, you might just see how redundant some of those raised issues are. Here we are trying to psyche the team up, and then there's always some dick in the shadows pulling the morale down. There are more pressing issues at hand and there in one corner, we have critics picking faults and not offering a solution.
Oh, if you're guilty conscious and actually think that I'm talking about YOU, then I guess... by the stars above... you're an asshole! I've concluded that these people are either stupid, fucking stupid or unbelievably fucking stupid!
Anyway, I sincerely hope I can like fuck off for a week or so to some resort next year to recharge. Till then... slave to the rhythm!
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